Local Resources
Everyone who needs help or seeks help deserves to receive it. Please refer to the following resources if you need assistance finding support.
Dubuque Area Resource Guide: Mental Health Telehealth Providers
Dubuque Mobile Crisis: 1-855-581-8111
Hillcrest Crisis Recovery Team: (563) 690-0019
Hillcrest Mobile Crisis: 1-855-800-1239 - Available 24/7
Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Hotline: (800) 273-TALK; (800) 273-8255
National Hopeline Network: (800) SUICIDE; (800) 784-2433
Phone-a-Friend Crisis/Suicide Line-Dubuque: (563) 588-4016
Mental Health Emergency Line: (563) 589-8280
Emergency: 911
Information and Referral: 211 or (563) 557-8331
Department Of Human Services: (563) 557-8251
Iowa Warm: 1-844-775-WARM (9276)
Homeless Assistance: 211 or (563) 557-8331
Dubuque Police Department: (563) 589-4415
Finley Hospital Emergency Room: (563) 589-2460
Mercy Hospital Emergency Room: (563) 589-9666
Hillcrest Mental Health Center: (563) 582-0145
Dubuque County Mental Health/Developmental Disability: (563) 589-7870